In following example
I will tell you "How to install Hindi language as default language in windows 7".
Step 1: open control panel Start>Control Panel
Step 3: Select “Keyboards and Languages” tab, click on “Install/uninstalled languages..”
Step 4: A new windows will be open which have two options
- Install display language
- Uninstalled display language (this one will uninstalled any languages packs that is already installed.)
Download any language pack. In my case I have download Hindi language pack.Language pack has .mlc extension.
Step 6: See Step 4 and Click on Install display Languages.
Now browse the location of language pack file and select OK.
Now select check-box and click Next Button.
After completing the installation select installation language as your default system language, restart your computer. That’s it…
Note: This method will work for all version of WINDOWS 7 and Vista.